Notes on Growth Hacker Marketing book


Product development and marketing are now together (marketing is something a growth hacker builds into the product)

Steps to repeat continuously:

Very important question you should ask yourself continuously

Where do I find the right people?

Get your First Users(many options)

  1. You can reach out to the sites you know your potential clients read with a pitch e-mail: "This is who we are, this is what we are doing, and this is why you should write about us."
  2. You can upload a post to Hacker News, Quora, or Reddit yourself.
  3. You can start writing blog posts about popular topics that get traffic and indirectly pimp your product.
  4. You can use the Kickstarter platform for exposure and bribe your first users with cool prizes(and get some online chatter at the same time)
  5. You can use a service like Help a Reporter Out( (opens in a new tab)) to find reporters who are looking for people to include in stories they are already writing about your space.
  6. You can find your potential customers one by one and invite them to your service for free or with some special incentive(that's how small we are talking).

Examples of ideas from other startups

  1. You can create the aura of exclusivity with n invite-only feature(as Mailbox did)
  2. You can create hundreds of fake profiles to make your service look more popular like Reddit did
  3. You target a single service of platform and cater to it exclusively(like Paypal with Ebay)
  4. You can lunch for just a small group of people, own that market, and then move from host to host until your product spreads like a virus(which is what Facebook did by starting in colleges first at Harvard--before taking on the rest of the population.
  5. You can host cool events and drive your first users through the system manually(as Myspace, Yelp, and Udemy all did)
  6. You can absolutely dominate the App store because your product provides totally new features than everyone is dying for which is what Instagram did 25,000 downloads on the first day and later Snapchat.
  7. You can bring on influential advisors and investors for their valuable audience and fame rather than their money(as and Trippy did-- a move that many startups have emulated).
  8. You can set up a special subdomain on your e-commerce site where a percentage of every purchase users make goes to a charity of their choice.