PromoStandards December education Session


Insights from the video:

🗣️ The upcoming industry press release on January 3rd will reveal the goals set by PromoStandards for 2023, promising more exciting developments at their Tech Summit.

💪 PromoStandards recognized the importance of suppliers, distributors, and service advisors by ensuring they were treated equally at the table, acknowledging their significance in bringing technology solutions to the industry.

📈 The order status 2.0 service is being finalized and will be fully launched, demoed, and detailed at the upcoming tech Summit.

🚀 The limited availability of sponsorship spots indicates high demand and excitement for the event.

🎉 The launch of the New Vegas facility by Specter is exciting news for the promo standards industry.

💡 The education sessions highlight real-life case studies and marketing ideas from members who are using promo standards in innovative ways.

💡 Understanding how to interpret and use promo standards can provide a competitive advantage in business processes.

💼 The largest adoption growth in user adoption technology has come from large e-commerce companies, distributors, and suppliers, indicating the increasing importance of technology in the industry.


TLDR: PromoStandards aims to provide a collaborative platform for service providers in the industry to contribute suggestions and ensure equal recognition, while promoting the adoption of promo standards in the decorated apparel industry through education and discussions.

  1. 00:00 📢 John Norris and Amy Rabideau present the final installment of the 2022 education with PromoStandards, highlighting the upcoming annual members meeting, budget review, and formation of a new service provider committee.

    1.1 John Norris from Starline and Amy Rabideau from Facilis Group are excited to present the final installment of the 2022 education with PromoStandards, aiming for a more interactive and improved experience compared to previous months.

    1.2 The speaker discusses the upcoming annual members meeting at the Tech Summit and encourages members to provide feedback and ask questions.

    1.3 The speaker discusses the budget and resources of PromoStandards, and there will be a member meeting in Tampa to review and vote on these matters.

    1.4 The speaker discusses upcoming events, such as a budget meeting and the PPO Expo, as well as the formation of a new service provider committee.

  2. 03:44 📅 PromoStandards has set goals for 2023 to provide a collaborative platform for service providers to contribute suggestions and ensure equal recognition for suppliers, distributors, and service advisors in bringing technology solutions to the industry.

    2.1 PromoStandards has set goals for 2023 and plans to provide a collaborative platform for service providers to contribute their suggestions and have their input known in the promo standards and industry arenas.

    2.2 PromoStandards is the only collection that encompasses a majority of the industry, with significant growth in endpoints and adoption, and it is important to ensure that suppliers, distributors, and service advisors are all treated equally and recognized for their importance in bringing technology solutions to the industry.

    2.3 PromoStandards aims to grow and tackle various tasks, including promoting their standards to the business community, in order to gain buy-in from those who write checks.

  3. 07:02 📅 Members can attend an education session at Mandalay during education day in Vegas, where the final pieces of the order status 2.0 service will be launched and detailed at the tech Summit.

    3.1 On Monday in Vegas, during education day, we will be setting up in the middle of the education day Arena at Mandalay all day long.

    3.2 There will be a members lounge with snacks, internet, and swag for promo standards members, and an education session from 1 to 2 for members to attend.

    3.3 Reach out to your distributor, supplier, and service prior Community Network to invite business leaders to learn about the power and impact of promo standards, with a focus on ROI, and attend the upcoming session where the final pieces of the order status 2.0 service will be launched and detailed at the tech Summit.

  4. 09:47 📅 Book your hotel and travel arrangements for the tech summit now, as there will be a special keynote speaker, volunteer opportunities, and the updated agenda is posted on; it is expected to be the largest tech event in the industry with networking, member's meetings, voting on new services, impromptu gatherings, and announcements on slack or, and there is one spot available for sponsorship.

    4.1 Reservations for the tech summit have rolled over, so book your hotel and travel arrangements now; there will be a special keynote speaker and volunteer opportunities, including visiting schools and a food bank distribution warehouse, and the updated agenda is posted on

    4.2 The event is expected to be the largest tech event in the industry, providing opportunities for networking, attending member's meetings, and voting on new services, with impromptu gatherings of committees and work groups, and announcements to be posted on slack or

    4.3 One spot is available for sponsorship, so the speaker expresses gratitude and encourages sponsors to support performance standards.

  5. 12:55 📅 A new inspector has joined Specter, they are excited about the upcoming tech Summit and want feedback for education ideas in 2023, clarification on member meeting timing, and members are encouraged to share their use of promo standards and case studies for recognition in the community.

    5.1 A new inspector has been added to the team at Specter, with long-time promo standards involvement, and they are excited about the upcoming tech Summit and the opportunity for Q&A with participants.

    5.2 We are looking for education ideas for 2023 and would appreciate feedback, questions, and comments from the audience, as well as clarification on the timing of the member meeting at the tech Summit.

    5.3 Members are encouraged to share their use of promo standards and case studies for a chance to be featured and recognized in the community.

  6. 16:43 📝 There is a need for clarity and communication in adopting promo standards in the decorated apparel industry, with a focus on partial shipments, order status, shipment notification, and pricing, and businesses can gain a competitive advantage through education and discussions on implementing these standards.

    6.1 There has been a lack of clarity and communication regarding how service providers in the decorated apparel industry should adopt different standards within promo standards, and this is an issue that needs to be addressed by the best practices committee.

    6.2 It is important to consider partial shipments, order status, order shipment notification, and product pricing when tying everything together.

    6.3 Different levels of acceptance and involvement in promo standards can be used to enhance business processes and gain a competitive advantage, with education sessions and discussions on how to interpret and implement promo standards in various aspects of the industry.

    6.4 If you have technical questions, ask them and someone will answer, especially if it's related to the committee's expertise.

  7. 21:59 📈 User adoption of technology has grown, resulting in a vibrant membership and high renewal rate for PromoStandards; utilizing the service provider committee fosters collaboration and connects members, while new members receive support and incentives.

    7.1 User adoption of technology has grown significantly in the past three years, with the largest growth coming from service providers and the largest entities in the industry, resulting in a vibrant membership and high renewal rate for PromoStandards.

    7.2 Utilizing the service provider committee can help reach a wider audience and foster a collaborative environment for companies serviced by promo center service providers, with the goal of connecting members and providing guidance.

    7.3 New members are paired with suppliers or distributors of the same business type to learn the best ways to engage and implement standards, and they also receive a free t-shirt and possibly a pen.

  8. 25:16 👉 There is a Slack community with over 400 members that is the quickest way to contact people in the industry, and the speaker wishes everyone a happy holiday.