Order Status 2.0.0 Preview Members Only


Insights from the video:

🚀 This new order status service has the potential to revolutionize the way we do customer service and automate the process.

💡 Order Status 2.0 aims to reduce transactional friction and execute a digital strategy, highlighting the importance of enhancing the customer experience in the digital realm.

❗️ The anticipation is that the event will sell out, highlighting the high demand and interest in attending.

💡 Upgrading to Order Status 2.0 offers a lot of exciting features and potential ROI in customer service automation, making it a worthwhile investment for organizations.

📦 The new order status system allows for more detailed information on order shipment, including line item completion and partial fulfillments, providing greater transparency for customers.

🎯 The biggest change in this update is customer service automation, which aims to solve the issue of issue resolution.

📸 The addition of qc pictures and proofs in the order status service provides a more transparent and "Amazon-like" experience for customers.

💡 The automation of missing information is crucial in reducing the number of bad orders in the industry, and relying on phone calls as a solution will no longer be viable in the future.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to introduce the Order Status 2.0 service, which aims to revolutionize customer service by automating it and providing a more accurate representation of order statuses.

  1. 00:00 📺 The Order Status 2.0 service aims to revolutionize customer service by automating it, allowing salespeople to focus on selling, and will be showcased at an industry-wide hackathon and technology summit on October 2nd.

    1.1 This video provides members with an early preview of the order status 2.0 service.

    1.2 Get involved in Slack for important information, as the speaker believes that the new order status service can revolutionize customer service by automating it and allowing salespeople to focus on selling.

    1.3 John Norris leads the education work group and encourages viewers to get involved in the committee structure of Promo Standards.

    1.4 Order Status 2.0 aims to improve customer experience, reduce transactional friction, and execute a digital strategy through industry collaboration and the use of open standards.

    1.5 On October 2nd, there will be an industry-wide hackathon followed by a technology summit with tracks for both business and technical participants.

  2. 06:09 📝 Order Status 2.0.0 is being discussed, with improvements and enhanced capabilities, aiming to provide early access to members before a wider launch, and offering a more valuable and accurate representation of order statuses.

    2.1 We are going to a sunny location in Tampa, near the waterfront and the arena, with lots of cool venues, restaurants, and bars, and we anticipate the event to sell out.

    2.2 Quick members will have priority registration for a few weeks before opening it up to the wider industry community, with the focus on providing opportunities for members to participate in fun and lively events.

    2.3 The speaker discusses the process of order status and emphasizes the importance of understanding the technical and business aspects.

    2.4 Leaders are discussing the differences between order status 1 and order status 2, highlighting the improvements and enhanced capabilities of the latter, with the goal of providing early access to members before a wider launch.

    2.5 Order status 2.0 has many endpoints and integrations with suppliers, and while it may take time to transition, there are significant benefits and ROI in terms of customer service automation.

    2.6 Traditional order status services are often too simplistic and don't accurately represent the complexities of the supply chain, so Order Status 2.0 aims to provide a more valuable and accurate representation of order statuses, taking into account factors such as multiple internal orders and different time zones.

  3. 12:14 📝 The biggest change in the video is the implementation of issue resolution customer service automation, aiming to explain the concept in an entertaining and concise manner within 15-20 minutes.

    3.1 We are implementing specific URLs for proof in customer service automation, including order shipment notifications with line item detail and the ability to convey quantity and partial fulfillments in the order status service.

    3.2 The biggest change in this video is the implementation of issue resolution customer service automation, with the speaker aiming to explain the concept in an entertaining and concise manner within 15-20 minutes.

    3.3 There are three main methods in the order status 2.0 structure, with the majority of the focus being on the top method, which includes traditional responses and additional features, while also discussing the header detail, product arrays, and issues array.

    3.4 The goal is to standardize terminology and schema across all services, ensuring consistent field naming and matching schemas.

  4. 16:24 📝 The order status service has been updated to allow users to receive only header details and status information, suppress detailed return dish issue information, and query order status by transaction ID for improved customer experience and consistency across services.

    4.1 Added bools to the request to allow users to receive only the header details and status information without the product and issues arrays.

    4.2 You can now suppress detailed return dish issue information to improve the customer experience and reduce payload size, and the query type parameters have been changed to make searches more specific and consistent across all services.

    4.3 You can now query an order status by transaction id, allowing you to see if your order is still in the processing queue and tying in other promo standard specific ids.

    4.4 The speaker discusses the removal of certain search functions and the introduction of helper functions to improve the scalability and usability of the order status service.

  5. 20:52 📝 The order status system is being updated to improve adaptability and usability, including changes to naming conventions, elimination of redundant fields, and the addition of qc pictures and proofs for suppliers in the commun industry.

    5.1 The order status system is designed to be adaptable to companies with varying levels of information, but the best practices committee is working on recommending unrequired fields to balance adaptability and usability.

    5.2 The speaker discusses changes in the order status system, including updates to naming conventions and the elimination of the need to return redundant fields, as well as a renaming of enumerations to facets.

    5.3 Suppliers in the commun industry can now provide qc pictures and proofs to distributors and service providers through the order status service, creating a more user-friendly experience and fixing a previous hack.

    5.4 The speaker discusses the standardization of the order contact array across services to ensure consistency and reduce implementation work, as well as the elimination of the response required array in favor of providing specific information on order issues in Order Status 2.0.

    5.5 The speaker discusses how to automate email resolution steps and turn off certain features in order to keep the presentation lively.

  6. 26:46 📝 The new order status feature provides more accuracy and context in the order fulfillment process, separating order statuses and holds, and reflecting complexities in the supply chain.

    6.1 The order status documentation has two interpretations: the time of order status and the time of the last change, which is crucial for data accuracy and timeliness.

    6.2 The new order status feature allows for tracking and mapping of partial and full line items at the order status level, providing more context and accuracy in the order fulfillment process.

    6.3 Order statuses and holds are being separated because they represent different stages in the order process and both pieces of information are necessary for accurate data usage.

    6.4 The new order status list now includes ship statuses and a separate list for issues, reflecting the complexities introduced by the kitting explosion in the supply chain.

    6.5 The speaker discusses the removal of numerical values from lists and the lack of need for querying by enumerated id.

    6.6 The speaker discusses the header and the product array, specifically diving into the issues array.

  7. 33:53 📝 The speaker discusses the new order status feature, including required fields and the ability to handle proofing issues more efficiently, and introduces a customer service automation system for resolving order issues.

    7.1 The speaker discusses the issue of an ID being required for orders and explains that there are three required fields to determine if an order has an issue, such as being on credit hold or proof hold, but these issues do not prevent the order from going through the production process.

    7.2 The speaker discusses the new order status feature, including required fields and the ability to handle proofing issues more efficiently.

    7.3 Resolve your issue instantly by clicking the provided link and filling out the necessary fields, including issue ID, initiative, category, name, response urgency, and description.

    7.4 Resolve proof holds and other order issues quickly and efficiently by using unique URLs for online proofing and implementing blocking statuses for orders that cannot proceed until certain requirements are met.

    7.5 Customer service automation using a resolution array and a contact object is discussed, with the speaker seeking input on the best approach.

    7.6 Automated form allows users to provide missing company name and address for shipping, with the data being sent back to the system for processing and order fulfillment.

  8. 41:12 📝 The speaker discusses the importance of developing automation-friendly standards, resolving missing order information without phone calls, and improving field descriptions in purchase orders, with plans to release the alpha version to members for testing.

    8.1 The speaker emphasizes the importance of developing standards that can handle future automation and addresses the need to resolve missing information in orders without relying on phone calls.

    8.2 The speaker discusses the mechanism for writing back data to the supplier provider host and the ability to update a live purchase order based on pre-described issue resolution, without the need for emails or phone calls, and also mentions the need to improve the description of fields that are reused in the purchase order specification.

    8.3 The service aims to automate proofing, sales order, purchase order, and line data, as well as improve issue resolution and customer service automation.

    8.4 The speaker discusses the progress of the alpha version of the order status system and plans to release it to members for testing before pushing for wide adoption, with some distributors already showing interest in implementing it.

    8.5 The speaker addresses questions and comments, specifically discussing the time of the last update query and the scalability of the service.

    8.6 There will be an education session next month on how to get started with promo standards and become a member, including tips on finding information and implementing from scratch.